Frequently Asked Questions
How can we help you?
Account & Billing
Yes! We do accept all major credit cards both domestic and foreign like: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners, Discovery, UnionPay and others.
Yes! We do accept most debit cards both domestic and foreign like: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners, Discovery, UnionPay and others.
Yes! We do accept cash in Philippine currency.
Yes! We do accept bank checks. But, it must first be cleared before giving the car. Bank clearing usually takes 3 banking days.
Car concerns
Yes! Our vehicles are equipped with the necessary road toll cards and RFID stickers for expressway usage. Namely: EasyTrip and AutoSweep. But, you must topup the said cards according to your needs to avoid inconvenience.
Yes! Our cars are roadworthy. Our vehicles are purchased brand new from a refutable car dealers. And they are thoroughly maintained both by the dealership and in-house. We have relatively newer models and the oldest car age is no more than 5 years with a very few exception.
Yes! All our vehicle possess 2 types of insurance, namely: Compulsory Third Party Liability (CTPL) and Comprehensive Insurance. Compulsory Third Party Liability (CTPL) pays for expenses causing bodily injury or death. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle, to other vehicles, and to other properties as well.
Yes! We do allow our car to be driven anywhere in the country without extra cost. As long as you select the USING INTER-ISLAND FERRY option.